Hofman-Bang coat of arms




Hofman-Bang Family





to the Hofman-Bang  Family website! The purpose of this site is to document the history and events of the Hofman-Bang family, its members and other connected families. 
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Lynderupgaard - Facts

 Name of the estate



 Östervej 1, 8832 Lynderup, Skals





 Amt /commune



 750 hectar

 Current owner

 Kirsten Glerup & Ove Glerup (since 1995)

 Past owners


 1988 - 1995

 Ole Philipsen
 1981 - 1988  Hans Peter Egeskov
 1947 - 1981  Kield Kieldsen
 1828 - 1947  The family Kieldsen
 1755 - 1744  The Juulson family
 1744 - 1735  Niels Poulson of Gunderupgaard

 1735 - 1667

 The Reenberg family
 1662 - 1667  Eggert Abildgaard
 1607 - 1662  Verner Parsberg
 1601 - 1607  Eske Bille
 1582 - 1602  Niels Skram
 1544 - 1582  Christoffer Rosenkrantz
 1536 - 1544  The Danish State
 XXXX - 1536  Viborg bispestol

  Read the Lynderupgaard story

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