Hofman-Bang coat of arms




Hofman-Bang Family





to the Hofman-Bang  Family website! The purpose of this site is to document the history and events of the Hofman-Bang family, its members and other connected families. 
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Charlotte Malling


Charlotte MallingIn this unique photograph, we see Charlotte Hofman-Bang (Malling) knitting, in the company of her two un-married daughters Louise (left) and Frederiche (standing). A friend of the family is in the sofa - Caroline Aurenberg. The location is clearly Hofmansgave - a picture of her father Ove Malling hangs on the wall, but the date is unknown although it is probably around 1875. Charlotte was born in 1786 and died in 1879 at age 93.... She married Niels Hofman (Bang) in 1802. Niels died in 1855.

Page updated: 1 May 2024

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