Hofman-Bang coat of arms




Hofman-Bang Family





to the Hofman-Bang  Family website! The purpose of this site is to document the history and events of the Hofman-Bang family, its members and other connected families. 
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Erik Odelstierna


Erik Odelstierna (1661-1704) doctor, born in Uppsala, Sweden. Son of clergyman and theology doctor Eric Odhelius. Died in Stockholm 12-OCT-1704. He was raised by his steph-father, the bishop  i Stockholm, N. Rudbeckius. He became a student in Uppsala where he studied science and medicine. His thesis De magnetismis rerum (1683) was very successful and widely acclaimed. The same year he ventured on a journey to Denmark, Germany, France, England and the Neterherlands.  He continued his studies in apotechary science and mining. He became a medical doctor in Reims in 1687 and upon his return to Sweden, in Nya Kopparberg and Hällefors mines. In 1690, he again went on a journey abroad to several cities in Europe and returned to tell his tale. In 1695 he was made judge (assessor) in the Bergskollegium. On 04-APR-16983, he was enobled by King Charles XII in 1698 at the Royal castle in Stockholm. Source: Translated from 'Nordisk Familjebok', 1914.

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